Pastors In Community Engagement Cohort



What is the Pastors in Community Engagement Cohort?

This cohort is designed to equip pastors with the tools to increase the reach, effectiveness and capacity of their ministry efforts, including the merits of partnering with other organizations, and project funding through grant writing. It is made up of pastors who are doing community work and dreaming big dreams.

This is a project of Versacare Foundation.


ZOOM Sessions

Monthly cohort sessions are held on Zoom. Follow the link to access the Zoom Links. Please note you will need the password to access this page.


Access the recorded monthly sessions and access the slides presentations. Please note you will need the password to access this page. 


Access additional resources pertinent to the cohort. This may include links, the meetings in Chicago and additional information for the participants.

“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
– Desmond Tutu